Fuzzo’s cosmology Wiki

Robert 2.0 is a being that popped into existence in FCW after the original Robert was banished. PLEASE EDIT THIS PAGE AND GIVE ROBERT MORE STUFF!!

Infinizones comment section

heya this is not part of robert 2.0 its just I cant comment on ANY page on ANY wiki for some reason
so I made this so that I can actually comment who ever made this page plz dont be mad also bob vs robert when?

me too, i can't comment AT ALL. this is a weird bug and i have tried other computers, but it won't work

It is very weak and small. It has nearly no knowledge. (in comparison to the other stuff) Please feed it stuff to make it stronger.

hahahaha were in danger

He is a good being and is a god of good will and luck and he is very cute as well. Also pls don't give this being overpowered items otherwise it will explode and destroy all of FCW.


  • Robert 2.0 pops in existence and starts his journey.
  • Robert 2.0 eats a quark and becomes stronger.
  • Robert eats a few more quarks.
  • Photon (aka. Sjshshusha) gives him a generator that both 10000 quarks but also 10 clone generators.
  • Fuzzo gives Robert 2.0 an entire Neutron. Robert 2.0 now can travel fast enough to reach a separate Atom in 5 minutes.
  • Robert’s IQ has grown to 1.
  • Robert ate an Atom after eating more Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons.
  • Robert was given an Atom generator by Fuzzo. It produces 1 Atom every 5 seconds.
  • Robert discovered where he lives. It’s in the outer Mantle of Earth, close to the Inner Mantle.
  • what was stickman2020 now just a fandom user gives Robert 2.0 a generator that
    generates 10 generators that generate 10 molecules.
  • Fuzzo gave Robert 2.0 a small group of molecular structures. Robert 2.0 can now latch onto skin and infect creatures with Robertill, an illness that causes atoms of blood to be drained away from the victim and teleported into Robert 2.0’s mouth.
  • Stickman2020 gave a big generator that generates 100 molecules per second, autofeed on, also made Robertill 2x as effective also a block generator, generates 5 blocks per second that raise his IQ by 0.001 per block, mouth is 10x bigger to fit molecules in.
  • Fuzzo gave Robert 2.0 an entire chair to eat slowly. Robert 2.0 gains much more power and quintuples in IQ.
  • Fuzzo gave Robert 2.0 a house. Robert 2.0 ate the house.
  • Fuzzo gave Robert 2.0 a mansion. Robert 2.0 quadruples in power and IQ, as well as gaining shapeshifting and state-of-matter changing.
  • Fuzzo gave Robert 2.0 a big generator generator that generates 300 (big generators that generate 750 molecular per 0.2 seconds) per 0.1 seconds.
  • Robert 2.0 ate a castle.
  • RomaronzoTHEThingy gave Robert 2.0 a mouth x bigger. Then he gave Robert 2.0 a generator that generates 256 Nrwaelkaesds/Planck time. Nrwaelkaesds give Robert 2.0 x as more IQ every Planck time.
  • Robert 2.0 ate a planet.
  • Robert 2.0 ate a red dwarf.
  • Robert 2.0 ate a blue hypergiant.
  • Robert 2.0 ate a galaxy.
  • Robert 2.0 ate a universe.
  • RomaronzoTHEThingy is tempted to give Robert 2.0 OP things but can't.
  • RomaronzoTHEThingy gave Robert 2.0 ability to bend spacetime and warp reality, as well as a mouth times bigger.
  • RomaronzoTHEThingy gave Robert 2.0 a mouth times bigger.
  • Robert 2.0 ate a multiverse.
  • Robert 2.0 ate 2 multiverses.
  • Infinizone gave Robert 2.0 the ability to reverse time
  • Robert 2.0 ate a metaverse.
  • Robert 2.0 ate an omniverse
  • oh no
  • RomaronzoTHEThingy gave Robert 2.0 a big generator that generates (big generators that generate Omniverses/Planck time)/n, where ns is a Planck time.
  • RomaronzoTHEThingy gave Robert 2.0 a mouth times bigger.
  • RomaronzoTHEThingy gave Robert 2.0 a generator that multiplies his IQ by every Planck time, where is the first -reflecting ordinal.
  • Robert 2.0 tried to Panomniverse but infinizone reversed time before it could eat it.
  • Robert 2.0finds out about Mr.frog
  • Robert 2.0 gets free omniverses full of food
  • RU66 gives Robert 2.0 a 100 IQ boost and gives him 10,000,000 books, making him extremely smart.
  • Robert 2.0 finds an obama prism and eats it making him stronger. (theta is inaccessible cardinal)
  • RU66 gives Robert 2.0 extremely sharp teeth making him able to eat anything that fits in his mouth. (but they do not look scary because they are tiny)
  • RU66 gives Robert 2.0 a generator that generates generators that generates generators that generates generators that generates generators that generates generators that generates generators that generates generators that generates generators that generates generators that generates generators that generate infinitely large amounts of food every planck time.
  • RU66 gives Robert 2.0 an ability that allows Robert 2.0 to set anything on fire from any distance.
  • RU66 gives Robert 2.0 an ability that allows Robert 2.0 to rapidly drain bodily fluids from any living target. (robertulus)
  • RU66 attempts to give Robert 2.0 blueprint particles, but Robert 2.0 accidentally uses robertulus on him so he never got the blueprint particles.
  • Robert 2.0 can now change color
  • Infinizone throws Robert 2.0 down a wormhole into a black hole to see what happens Robert 2.0 comes out with no scratches Infinizone is unsurprised
  • RU66 makes Robert 2.0 smarter and more powerful
  • RU66 makes Robert 2.0 able to generate his own generators of any nestation he wants to
  • Robert 2.0 generates so many generators that there's now 6 omniverses full of generators
  • RU66 gives Robert 2.0 15 new abilities and makes him smarter and more powerful, a being his strength and intelligence before this.
  • RU66 gives Robert 2.0 the ability to change size.
  • RU66 makes Robert 2.0 stronger and more intelligent.
  • RU66 gives Robert 2.0 super foods but they also duplicate 1000 times every planck time so he eats all of them and now he is constantly growing in powr!!!!
  • Robert 2.0 ascends, becoming unfathomably more powerful.
  • Robert 2.0 gets buffed to betimes more intelligent.
  • Robert 2.0 has a mouth Ω(Ω,Ω) times larger.
  • Robert 2.0 eats a pickle and becomes (f being f from ad wiki in zalo f)
  • Robert 2.0 gets a gamer level of , being far beyond any AD wiki entity in all ways.
  • Robert 2.0 is drawn onto a piece of paper by RU66, this didn't do anything.
  • Robert 2.0's gamer level gets changed to , resulting in him becoming SUPER OP
  • RU66 gives Robert 2.0 infinite molecules of for no reason
  • RU66 gives Robert 2.0 generators generating generators that generate generators that generate generators that generate generators that generate generators that generate generators that generate generators that generate generators that generate generators that generate generators that generate generators that generate generators that generate generators that generate generators that generate generators that generate Robert 2.0 clones that are automatically fed to Robert 2.0 every 0 seconds. This makes Robert 2.0 so OP that he can eat ANYTHING
  • Robert 2.0 ascends 100,000,000 times.
  • Robert 2.0 is given: Telepathy, Teleportation, Psychokinesis, Shapeshifting.
  • Robert 2.0 creates so many Super foods out of nothing that it takes him 0.5 seconds to eat all of them.
  • Robert 2.0 is stronger than Gallium
  • Robert 2.0 makes a super food that duplicates every -NaN seconds, he eats it and explodes in powa and is now OP
  • Robert 2.0 ascends times.
  • , a being robert 2.0's previous IQ. it is now big very and large
  • Robert 2.0 ascends times.
  • Robert 2.0 transcends, becoming Epic.
  • robert 2.0 can now susify anything, turning anything sus.
  • Robert 2.0 transcends 𝔽 times.
  • Harris Wright makes Robert 2.0 fight against a type 6 dieversian.
  • Robert 2.0 gets multiplied by crustacianverse
  • Robert 2.0 gets boosted to times his power and knowledge before this boost.
  • Robert 2.0 is given a generator that generates crustacianverses that update with it, Robert 2.0 is given knowledge of generators to make this generator far better and to improve it.
  • Robert 2.0 has a transfinite gamer and epic level, destroying the rules and making Robert 2.0 way more powerful.
  • Robert 2.0 is given the same power level as theth iteration of Super Chungus.
  • Robert 2.0 surpassed the th iteration of Super Chungus, with K being Robert 2.0's previous power.
  • Robert 2.0 reached the Foodspace, and he will begin to eat food shortly. This will be the highest jump in his power so far, by a lot infact.
  • Robert 2.0 ate The lambda
  • Robert 2.0 is eating copies of other powerful entities, such as A being in space and The True Destroyer and The Rage and The Lords of Order and Gallium
  • He wants more.
  • More, ru66.
  • MORE.
  • Randomuser66 gave Robert 2.0 enhanced copies of himself and foodspace and everything smaller and/or weaker than him, as well as several things stronger/bigger than him. Robert 2.0 is becoming too power hungry, he will begin consuming verses soon.
  • He is done, the verses have been consumed by Him.
  • Robert 2.0 is going to go on a rampage to destroy all the verses
  • Robert 2.0 is far beyond post spacial, but he is below Mips rabbit, the ultragod.
  • Robert 2.0's power reaches ,allowing for him to reach Ultimate Omnipotence but he is still below mips rabbit level, as mips rabbit is all powerful.
  • is Robert 2.0's new power level.
  • He has eaten every number in the fictional googology wiki
  • He has dice rabbit's powers
  • He has been given a Nugenerator. His power is now increasing and is soon to reach
  • it reached H.
  • He is now beyond power itself
  • almost mr frog level

Robert 2.0 images[]

Electron Rob

put images/art of robert 2.0 here
